Data Collection & Post Processing

Data Collection & Post Processing

Dox Services has a dedicated team of engineers, technicians, and drivers in field locations across the country to support nationwide carrier projects. We have the tools, capacity, and experience to perform both indoor and outdoor testing and data collection.

Types of Testing

· Site Shakedowns – Shakedowns are performed to ensure a site is functioning properly. Functional testing includes voice and data tests performed close to the site on each sector – testing fall back mechanisms and ensuring that the site orientation is correct.

· Pre – Launch Optimization Drives – Performed to assess a newly-built network, and to effectively uncover and resolve issues prior to the Launch phase. The drives provide detailed RF measurements to detect and resolve issues caused by radio, improper parameter settings, or network faults to ensure that sites pass predefined evaluation criteria.

· Post – Launch Optimization Drives – Performed after a site is launched to monitor the performance of the site.

· Handover Testing – Performed to test handovers between different sectors, sites, RNCs, BSCs, frequencies, and technologies.

· Rehoming – Rehome testing involves border testing, handover testing, and site shakedowns.

· In-Building Testing – We have walk tested over 2500 high profile venues including Disneyland, Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, The Los Angeles Staples Center, Notre Dame University, The Indianapolis Airport, Minnesota’s Mall of America, and The Dallas Cowboy’s Stadium.

· Throughput Testing – With the increase in demand for data, throughput testing is high priority. Testing is performed to ensure the upload and download speeds at every site are above the passing threshold.

Post Processing

Post processing engineers work closely with field testing teams to verify the accuracy of the data being collected. We offer real time back office support to the data collection teams to guarantee data integrity, ensure full coverage testing, and minimize the need for retests. Tailored event analysis and summary reports are generated through Actix and Windcatcher to provide our customers with detailed metrics analysis on:

· KPI Pass/Fail Criteria

· Coverage or Throughput Concerns

· Node Functionality Issues

· Excessive Events

· Coverage Deltas within the Venue

· DAS versus Macro Coverage Analysis

· Call Statistics Overview

PCI/SC Verification per Zone

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