Small Cell & 5G Deployment

Small Cell & 5G Deployment

Successful 5G deployment will rely on Small Cell nodes to support the wireless density needed to carry large amounts of data at high speeds. Dox offers end-to-end services to build out a new Small Cell network. The process begins with Site Surveys and Site Vetting. Our technicians can be the boots on the ground collecting data on the physical attributes of poles in your deployment plan and provide reports that help you decided which poles meet the RF standards for a new node. Installation will be performed by licensed contractors familiar with the permitting process of each local ordinance. Since most Small Cells are built as a shared infrastructure solution, Dox engineers are experienced integrators working with OEMs and carriers.

Millimeter Wave Testing

Dox has built strong partnerships with signal test equipment manufacturers to be on the forefront of new applications being developed for testing across a broad range of millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies. As these frequencies become more commercially viable, assuring performance will bring new and unique measurement challenges. Our investment in broadband millimeter wave test equipment will give Dox clients and business partners the cutting edge on 5G validation.

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